#10 Best Study Tip for IB Psych: Get Started

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

Action precedes motivation. I learn this every time I need to work on something boring. Act first and the motivation to do it will come later. It sounds counterintuitive but trust me, it’s true. Studying for your IB Psychology exams probably doesn’t make you excited. You’ll start cleaning your room, making study playlists, writing a letter to your Grandma, or …

Note taking: Is typing or handwriting better?

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Revision and Exam Preparation

IB students are the iGen, so you probably can’t imagine working without a laptop. This begs the question – is it better to take notes by hand on paper or typing on a laptop? Let’s review the research. Let’s first look at Mueller and Oppenheimer’s now famous study “the pen is mightier than the keypad:” In this quasi-experiment, 67 students …

Flashcards: Are online or hard copy better?

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

Flashcards are the best method for studying lots of content. But which is better – using digital (like Quizlet) or hard copy (like our IB Psych flashcards)? In this post we’ll review the research and see.  Numerous studies have found benefits to using apps like Quizlet to improve memory, particularly for second language learners studying vocab. These studies do pre and post-tests …

Essay Introductions: How to write the perfect essay introduction for IB Psych exams.

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation, Teaching Ideas

This post will show you four easy steps you can apply to any exam question to write the perfect introduction. Scroll to the bottom for a simple practice tip. First impressions matter, especially in your IB exams. You’re writing essays in IB Psych to show what an excellent psychologist you are, but you have about 1,000 words and 60 minutes to …

Emotion-focused vs. Problem-focused Coping Strategies

Travis DixonHealth Psychology

Coping is “a person’s efforts to manage demands that are appraised as taxing or exceeding their resources.”(1) In other words, coping is how we try to deal with stress. It is a widely studied topic in psychology and there are over 400 categorized styles of coping. (2) These styles are commonly grouped into two distinct types: problem focused vs. emotion-focused. In …

Morning Motivation Hack

Travis DixonGeneral Interest

Want to start your day with more motivation? Here’s some tricks I’m trying based on neuroscience. They seem to be working so far. Every morning I wake up sometime between 3:30am and 6am (I don’t use an alarm to avoid sleep deprivation). I go straight to my computer and start writing while the family sleeps. But lately that changed. I …

The Command Term Conundrum

Travis DixonCurriculum, Revision and Exam Preparation

Allow me to explain the IB Psychology command terms:  Explain means explain if it’s in Paper 1, but not if it’s in Paper 2, unless of course it’s coupled with another level three command term (e.g. discuss), then it does mean explain. And outline doesn’t really mean outline, it means describe, unless the question (or mark scheme) is actually asking …

Example essay: Contrast two models of memory

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, Revision and Exam Preparation

Of the command terms for IB Psychology essays, “contrast” is the hardest to write. Here is an example essay that contrasts two models of memory. Please note – this essay is not written with the intention that you will memorize it. That is a highly inefficient way to study. It’s written so you can get ideas on how to structure a contrast …