#2 Best Study Tip for IB Psych: Use Flashcards

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

Flashcards are the most effective way for remembering lots of information. That’s why it’s important to use them when studying for your exams. They’re great for things like key terms, studies and theories. You could use digital apps like Quizlet or make hard copies. If hard copy, you could use the Leitner System or the Three Pile System.  How good …

#4 Best Study Tip for IB Psych: Match Topics with Studies

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

Only 3% of IB Psychology students get 7s. There’s very little room for error if you’re aiming for top marks.  The biggest error I see some students making is using the wrong studies. For example, the question might ask about social identity theory and someone writes about Bandura’s bobo doll study, or about Loftus and Palmer’s car crash study on …

#3 Best Study Tip for IB Psych: Focus on Results

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

While psychological studies aren’t the only part of the IB Psychology exams, they’re very important. So make sure you’re focusing on the right thing. Some students spend all their efforts revising the aims and procedures of the experiments but miss the most important part – the results.  By exam day you should be ready to write about 100-150 words on …

#6 Best Study Tip for IB Psych: Write Plans, Not Essays

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

A popular but silly strategy for IB Psych exams is to pre-write essay answers for every.single.question and then try to memorise them. Worse yet, downloading or buying existing essays and trying to memorise them. This is much, much harder than planning your own revision strategy. A much better strategy, imho, is to write plans for each topic. Don’t worry about …

Digital vs. Print Reading: Which one’s better?

Travis DixonCognitive Psychology, IB Psychology HL Extensions, Revision and Exam Preparation

Are you trying to study with your laptop and smartphone? You might even argue that you need your phone to study because that’s how you read your textbook. You might even be reading this digitally if your school has shifted to digital texts in favour of old-fashioned textbooks. In this post, we’ll see what the research says about reading digitally …

IB Psychology Exam Banks + Past Papers

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

The links below will take you to a list of the most probably exam questions you’ll be asked about each topic in IB Psychology. They also include questions from past papers.  PAPER ONE SL/HL Paper 1: Biological approach (Link) Paper 1: Cognitive approach (Link) Paper 1: Sociocultural approach (Link) PAPER ONE HL Extensions Paper 1: HL Ext Bio Animal Studies …

#9 Best Study Tip for IB Psych: Work Backwards

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation

When you’ve started studying seriously, it’s tempting to tell yourself, “I’ll just read the textbook then figure out what I need to know for the exams.” While this is the easiest way to think about studying, it’s not very effective. You’ll end up working way harder than you need to. Let’s look at a more systematic approach. In the previous …