I’m so pleased to announce that our second textbook, IB Psychology: A Revision Guide (AVAILABLE HERE!), is now shipping and our first pre-orderers can expect their copies in the mail any day now, if they haven’t already got them. This book takes all the content from our first textbook (A Student’s Guide – here) and condenses it into 180 pages.

The book has everything you need for the big exams.
Here are a few features of the text:
- Full colour
- Writable paper
- Every topic/content has:
- Key study summaries
- Key questions to use as learning outcomes
- Exam tips
- Critical thinking guidance
- Two pages – page 1 is for SAQs and page 2 for essays (for core approach topics/content)
- QR codes that link to video explanations and blog posts
We’ll be releasing an extended preview very soon. For now the books are ready and waiting!
Feel free to post questions in the comments.
Travis Dixon is an IB Psychology teacher, author, workshop leader, examiner and IA moderator.