Biological Approach: Sample Exam Questions

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Biological Psychology, Curriculum, Revision and Exam Preparation

With the new curriculum and the loss of the LOs, many teachers may be wondering about what the exam questions will be like. The answer is: much like the old ones. If you look at all the topics in the biological approach they are all related to the understanding of how variables can influence behaviour. The exam questions will reflect …

Social Identity Theory: A Brief Summary for Students

Travis DixonRevision and Exam Preparation, Studies and Theories

On the surface, Tajfel and Turner’s social identity theory can seem complex as there are multiple parts and some of the ideas are really abstract. In our themantic approach we try to break it down, lesson-by-lesson so each of the major concepts of social identity theory are introduced gradually. Remember that one of the first questions you should ask when trying to understand …

Critical Thinking in the New Course

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Revision and Exam Preparation

The following is adapted from an extract in the introduction to IB Psychology: A Student’s Guide Critical Thinking The IB Psychology course is aimed at developing an understanding of relationships: relationships between variables, behaviour, ethics and research methods. But students also need to be able to develop the skills to go further than understanding and to be able to reflect critically upon …

SAQ Writing Guide

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Curriculum, General Interest, Revision and Exam Preparation

Updated Jan 25th, 2021 I’ve spent over ten years trying to devise good advice for students about how to write exam answers. You’ll see below an original post I wrote a few years ago (in 2017) with an attached “SAQ Writing Guide” as a word.doc that I thought would revolutionize teaching of SAQs. I was wrong. I’ve learned that specific …

Command Terms and Definitions

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Revision and Exam Preparation

Image: Bigstock.

Updated Aug, 2020 The command terms are the verbs at the start of IB exam questions. While they be important, they are actually far less important than many people think.  Command terms in SAQs Short-answer questions (SAQs) may use one of three command terms in IB Psychology exams: outline, describe and explain. However, you don’t need to worry about the …

Lesson Idea: Understanding the Approaches

Travis DixonCurriculum, Revision and Exam Preparation, Themantics

This post is adapted from an earlier post. If you’re adopting a thematic approach to the IB Psychology course, you might be wondering: “won’t students get confused about what studies go with each topic?” It’s easy to think this since at first glance the thematic approach appears to be jumbled. But in this post I’ll outline a couple of very …