New TOK Textbook: List of Lessons

Travis DixonCurriculum

Check out our new TOK textbook.

Check out our new TOK textbook.

In this post we’ve outlined the entire TOK book (and course) (available here) with a complete list of lessons. 

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List of Lessons

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Lesson 1. What is TOK?

Lesson 2. Elements of TOK

Lesson 3. Knowledge framework


Unit 1. Knowledge of knowledge

Exhibition: The philosopher’s stone

Story: Hollow Earth

Lesson 4. Meaningful doubt

Lesson 5. Forms of meaningful doubt

Lesson 6. Justification

Lesson 7. Standards of justification

Lesson 8. Theories of truth

Lesson 9. Tests for truth

Lesson 10. JTB

Lesson 11. Problems with JTB

Lesson 12. Knowledge questions and claims (part 1)

Lesson 13. Knowledge questions and claims (part 2)


Unit 2. Knowledge and technology

Exhibition: Graph of emotions in the Bible

Story: Predicting Supreme Court decisions

2.1. Technology and personal knowledge

Lesson 14. Information bubble

2.2. Technology and the human mind

Lesson 15. AI: Turing test

Lesson 16. AI: Artificial consciousness

Lesson 17. Hard problem of consciousness

Lesson 18. Technological singularity

2.3. Technology in Natural Sciences

Lesson 19. Computer simulation

Lesson 20. Simulated world

Lesson 21. Computer-generated knowledge

2.4. Technology in Human Sciences and History

Lesson 22. Big Data

Lesson 23. Nomothetic and idiographic research

Lesson 24. Text mining

2.5. Technology in Mathematics

Lesson 25. Proof-by-exhaustion

Lesson 26. Experimental mathematics

2.6. Technology in the Arts

Lesson 27. Redefinition of Art

Lesson 28. Digital art

2.7. Technology and ethics

Lesson 29. Technoethics

Unit 3. Bias in personal knowledge

Exhibition: A turbulence map

Story: Senate Bill 464

Lesson 30. Bias

Lesson 31. Personal experience

Lesson 32. Darwinian evolution of personal knowledge

Lesson 33. Analogy analysis

Lesson 34. Cultural experience

Lesson 35. Memes and Universal Darwinism

Lesson 36. Heuristics

Lesson 37. Implicit bias and bias self-awareness

Lesson 38. Bias reduction

Lesson 39. Compos mentis



Unit 4. Bias in shared knowledge

Lesson 40. Naïve theories

4.1. Bias in Natural Sciences

Exhibition: a refracting telescope

Story: Discovery of Neptune

Lesson 41. Demarcation problem

Lesson 42. Falsifiability

Lesson 43. Scientific progress

Lesson 44. Underdetermination of scientific theories

Lesson 45. Theory-laden facts

Lesson 46. Verisimilitude

Lesson 47. Paradigm shifts

Lesson 48. Incommensurability

4.2. Bias in History

Exhibition: British History for Dummies

Story: The Battle of Waterloo

Lesson 49. Historical interpretation

Lesson 50. Historical perspectives

Lesson 51. Historical objectivity and historical facts

Lesson 52. Historical objectivity and rival interpretations

Lesson 53. Historical objectivity and ethics

Lesson 54. Heteroglossia (in theory)

Lesson 55. Multiperspectivity (in practice)

4.3. Bias in Mathematics

Exhibition: a FIFA football

Story: George Dantzig’s homework

Lesson 56. Proof

Lesson 57. Axiomatic systems

Lesson 58. Discovered or invented? Truth in mathematics

Lesson 59. Consistency

Lesson 60. Mathematical realism

Lesson 61. Overview: bias in mathematics, natural sciences and history



Unit 5: Knowledge and understanding

Exhibition: Kamal, a navigation device

Story: The savior of mothers

5.1. Objectivity, subjectivity and understanding

Lesson 62. Subjectivity and objectivity

Lesson 63. Understanding

5.2. Knowledge and understanding in Natural Sciences

Lesson 64. Determinism

Lesson 65. Indeterminism

Lesson 66. Scientific worldview

5.3. Knowledge and understanding in Human Sciences

Lesson 67. Reasons versus purposes

Lesson 68. Verstehen

Lesson 69. Intersubjectivity

Lesson 70. Qualia (Part 1)

Lesson 71. Qualia (Part 2)

5.4. Knowledge and understanding in the Arts

Lesson 72. Propositional and non-propositional knowledge

Lesson 73. Van Gogh’s Starry Night (Part 1)

Lesson 74. Van Gogh’s Starry Night (Part 2)

Lesson 75. Three components of art: artist, creation, audience (Part 1)

Lesson 76. Three components of art: artist, creation, audience (Part 2)

Lesson 77. Aesthetic judgment: subjectivity and universality

Lesson 78. Deep human response

Lesson 79. Understanding in art

5.5. Hermeneutics

Lesson 80. Hermeneutics

Unit 6. Knowledge and language

Exhibition: Pioneer plaque

Story: Arrival

6.1. What is language?

Lesson 81. Signals and signs

Lesson 82. Meaning

6.2. Language and thought

Lesson 83. Concepts

Lesson 84. A priori and a posteriori concepts

Lesson 85. Spacetime

Lesson 86. Linguistic nativism

Lesson 87. The continuity hypothesis

Lesson 88. Mentalese

Lesson 89. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

6.3. Language and communication

Lesson 90. Translation

Lesson 91. Machine translation

Lesson 92. Loaded language

6.4. Language in the areas of knowledge

Lesson 93. The role of language in natural sciences

Lesson 94. The role of language in human sciences

Lesson 95. The role of language in history

Lesson 96. The role of language in mathematics

Lesson 97. The role of language in the arts



Unit 7. Assessment guidance

7.1. Overview of assessment in TOK

7.2. TOK exhibition

7.3. TOK essay






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