How to cope with the options in 20 hours..Tip #1

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Curriculum, Themantics

With the new syllabus I do like the concept of having extensions to the core approaches: this is a well thought-out practical solution to deal with the many different SL/HL scheduling issues that IB teachers face. It gives us more flexibility in planning how we differentiate between SL and HL courses in the many ways we all approach the course …

C.H.A.C.E.R: The Themantic Lesson Plan

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Curriculum, General Interest, Themantics

Our goal at TE is to make teachers lives better by making them simpler. Do less and do it better, getting back to basics, yadda, yadda. If we can help you reduce stress, it will have positive impacts on your kids (see this article about the correlation between teacher burnout and cortisol in students). Get all your lesson plans and …

Relationship Chains: The Framework of the Themantic Model

Travis DixonAssessment (IB), Themantics

In an earlier post I outlined one of the core concepts of the themantic model of curriculum design: the building block. If a building  block is an individual unit of information, a relationship chain is what is created when it’s significantly connected to another building block. Psychology is the study of relationships. Primarily, it’s the study of relationships between variables and behaviour. …

What is the themantic approach?

Travis DixonCriminology, Themantics

What is the themantic approach? The traditional and by far the most common way of teaching IB Psychology is to teach it in a linear way,., i.e. teach each approach (level of analysis) and the options topics separately. So, for instance, the course begins with Research Methods, then moves into the BLA (or approaches, as they’re now called), the CLA. And …

Lesson Idea: Understanding the Approaches

Travis DixonCurriculum, Revision and Exam Preparation, Themantics

This post is adapted from an earlier post. If you’re adopting a thematic approach to the IB Psychology course, you might be wondering: “won’t students get confused about what studies go with each topic?” It’s easy to think this since at first glance the thematic approach appears to be jumbled. But in this post I’ll outline a couple of very …